What is the deadline for submissions to The New York Photo Awards?
The final deadline to submit to the 2013 edition of The New York Photo Awards is 11:59pm PST on October 25 27, 2013.
Who is eligible to submit to The New York Photo Awards?
Submission to The New York Photo Awards is open to all persons (from any country) over the age of 18.
Is there a submission fee to have my work reviewed and judged by the New York Photo Festival curators?
Yes. Please check the CATEGORIES AND FEES page for more information and a complete list of categories.
Why is there a restriction on submitting older photos?
The founding mission of The New York Photo Awards has been to identify and document the future of photography in all its forms – and we would not be true to our goals, to ourselves or to our audience if we did not hold all of the New York Photo Festival’s varied initiatives to the same exacting standards.
Do I have to live in New York in order to submit my work to The New York Photo Awards?
No. Submission to The New York Photo Awards is open to photographers from around the world.
How many images can I submit?
There is no limit to how many images each photographer can submit.
Is there a specific theme to the New York Photo Awards?
Yes. We are looking for work that is purely art photography, purely documentary photography, or work that incorporates some component of both. Entrants should think about where these disciplines start and where they cross on the matrix of art photography and social documentary—consider a vertical axis where one end represents work made with New Technologies and the other represents Old Processes. You are free to choose which category would best represent your work, should it be considered for inclusion in The New York Photo Awards. Please visit the CATEGORIES AND FEES page for more information and a complete list of categories.
What kind/size of files can I submit?
* File Format: JPEG, PNG, and NEW CATEGORY: Animated GIFs should also be limited to 4 MB or less. Be careful as longer GIFs at higher resolutions can have large file sizes.
* File names should only include letters and numbers. (No punctuation or special characters please.)
* Images must be no larger than 1200 pixels in either dimension, and must be less than 4 MB in size.
* Images should be at 72 dpi and in the sRGB colorspace.
If your web browser is Internet Explorer 8, uploading will not work.
What happens to the copyright of the image(s) that I submit? How will my image(s) be used?
Copyright over submissions will remain the property of their respective entrants. Submitted images may be used online and in print to promote awareness of the New York Photo Festival and the New York Photo Awards – in which case the photographer’s name will be clearly credited. To read the full Terms and Conditions, please click here.
Can I send print material, books, or CDs?
Only online submissions will be accepted. Please do not send any hard-copy materials, they will not be returned.
Can I submit a URL for consideration?
No. Only images uploaded through our system will be considered.
Will I receive a notice that my submission has been received?
You can log on to the site and review and edit your submissions by clicking on the “My Submissions” tab of your account. If the images appear properly in your account, they have been successfully received. If you need a receipt, please drop us an email at—we’ll be happy to send one to you.
Can I pay by check?
No, all submissions must be paid for electronically, with a valid credit card via our secure system. If for some reason your international credit card does not work, please email us and we will make arrangements for you to pay via PayPal.
Will I receive a receipt for my entry fee?
After you pay by credit card, a confirmation screen will appear, showing your submission and the final amount paid. Please print this page for your records as it will serve as your receipt of payment. If you need another copy of your receipt, please send us an email—we’ll be happy to send one to you.
I am unable to register or upload my images. What should I do?
Please check that you do not have a firewall installed that is preventing access. You may also try to submit using a different web browser (such as Chrome or Safari) or a different computer. If you are still experiencing technical problems, you can contact us at Be sure to include a short description of the problem you are encountering.
How can I find out if my work was selected for The New York Photo Awards?
All artists whose is work selected for inclusion in the round one finalists exhibition for the 2013 edition of The New York Photo Awards will be posted on this site in mid-September 2013; we will endeavor to contact each artist with information they provided at sign up. Final winners after round two will be notified after the close of the open call.
My photographs have been selected for exhibition in the 2013 edition of The New York Photo Awards! What do I do now?
Grab your nearest loved one and shout for joy. Then be sure to follow instructions from the organizers on how to send your high-res file(s) to us to be printed for exhibition.